Our Services

Dome-Reconstruct-1From commissions for new windows, to restoration and protective covering, we travel across the U.S. to help preserve your stained glass legacy.

While the vast majority of the windows we survey are indeed beautiful, they all share one inherent trait: lead, glazing media, and surrounding frames naturally decay over time. As a result, glass can crack and break as the overall structure ages. It is the GLASS that is the centerpiece of the window after all; most people don’t see the lead or glazing when they look at a stained glass window. All of the other components exist to support the glass and give it form but garner no obvious attention from a distance.

Our job, when we evaluate your windows, is to focus on the ENTIRE window structure: glass, lead, frame, bracing, waterproofing, as well as the associated church aesthetic where the windows play a critical role. The conservation and restoration procedures we employ are guided by the SGAA: Standards for the Preservation of Historic Stained Glass, widely accepted base guidelines for our trade.

This is a very important consideration when dealing with historic stained glass, as many of the hand-painted aspects of these windows are difficult to reproduce, and much of the oldest glass used in such windows is no longer made. Conservation techniques are employed in cases where original glass must be saved, while restoration is used to give most windows a fresh and new appearance and in instances where glass pieces are missing or beyond repair.

The biggest impact our services can have is when we partner with you, the client, to look honestly and objectively at your stained glass, determining both your needs and means to help preserve one of your greatest assets, or in some cases creating a new legacy for generations to come.

Guidelines for Preservation

Conservation and Restoration

Protective Covering

New Windows