Archive by Author

Lead Based Paint Hazards

04 April

“Federal law requires contractors that disturb painted surfaces in homes, child care facilities and schools, built before 1978 to be certified and follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. Always ask to see your contractors certification.”–from the EPA Renovate Right Pamphlet . Lead based paint is common in older wood stained glass window frames. It can […]

Assessing Your Protective Glazing Investment

04 April

There’s more than meets the eye when it comes to protective glazing. The goal of protective glazing is twofold: 1. Protect the Asset (Stained Glass Window); 2. Don’t draw attention aesthetically. The window in Fig. A by most standards fails the aesthetic criteria. But what about its protective function? How can we tell if protective covering is truly […]

What is Stained Glass Preservation?

01 April

I have been reminded that some of the terms we throw around in the business may not mean much to the average person. So allow me to clarify the studio terminology a bit: Preservation encompasses the combined efforts and techniques of maintaining and protecting the integrity of stained glass. The approaches to preservation can be both conservative […]